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Maintenance for TPS-C5

Thursday, September 29, 2016
Tip Seal hours reset.
Equipment/Beam Line: 

3896 Hours on tip seal counter.  To reset tip seal hours do the following.

  1. Open T-Plus software.
  2. Select appropriate pump from list.
  3. Set pump to Serial Mode (Remote is default)
  4. Open control panel
  5. Insert unknown window from tools menu
  6. Select Insert unknown window at the bottom of control panel
  7. Unknown window dialog box opens.
  8. Select Numeric and enter Nr. 358
  9. Label as Tip Seal
  10. Click the new "TIp Seal" option that now appears on the control panel.  Note down hour value.
  11. Now reset the counter by entering 000000
  12. Click Send
  13. Return pump to Remote if necessary.


Deepak Vyas