Scheduled maintenance: In Isac since the runs are short. The adsorbers should be changed every 2 years.
This is a particularly tricky operation on this compressor because of the location during operation.
You need to remove the compressor from it's location . The compressor should be brought North of the cryostat and East of the cabinet. This is the recommended procedure.
*First remove the supply power plug and lock it out.
*Disconnect the water connections on the front panel. 11/16" wrench.
*Remove the socket head cap screws that hold the bulk head unions one the other end of the water hoses. 3/16" allen key.
*Remove the Cold head motor power from the compressor end mil. spec. connector on the front panel of the compressor.
*Remove the temperature sensor wire on the Cryopump. Special connector.
*Vent the Cryopump vacuum chamber and remove the roughing valve (Block valve), BNMR:RVC5
*Disconnect both Helium lines at the compressor end. 1 1/8" and 1 3/16" special wrenches.
*Move stuff away from path and slide the compressor North East from operating location.
*Remove both lower panels on the bottom of front and back of the compressor. Phillips screw driver.
*Remove all the black phillips screws on the front and back of the compressor.
*Remove all the screws on the bottom of the sides of the compressor.
*Lift out the part that makes up the sides and the top.
*Disconnect the Helium fitting on the adsorber on the bottom and to the left. 1 3/16" & 1 1/8" special wrenches.
*Remove the two screws on the bottom flange of the adsorber. 7/16" racheting wrench.
*Carefully lift out adsorber and mark it as used and removed with the name of technician and date.
*Reverse the removal procedure to install a new adsorber. Mark the date and name on top of new adsorber.
*Place the compressor in operating location and perform an active purge while running the compressor.
*Run cryopump till base temperature reached and continue to use the cryopump.